Entries by Elizabeth Arteaga

Obras viales en la carretera 307 en la Riviera Maya

Si va a conducir en la carretera 307 en la Riviera Maya tome precauciones adicionales ya que hay obras viales en varios lugares. La obra se inició a finales de marzo y continuará durante los próximos dos meses. La reparación de carreteras se ha programado para todos los días de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. […]

Important information about UBER, a warning for users

Royal Resorts Management would like to share this important information about UBER with you. If you are planning to use UBER in the state of Quintana Roo during your vacation please be aware that the State Government Transport and Highway department has not recognized UBER as an authorized means of public transport. As a result, […]

Important news for Signature Club members

Signature Club members have an exciting new platform to use for all their travel and leisure needs. Unveiled on March 27, Privileges for Royal Resorts offers them the chance to book hotels, guided vacations, cruises and flights with exclusive discounts and great savings. How does Privileges for Royal Resorts work? Every year, Signature Club members […]

Sharlyne Sokol

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Sharlyne Sokol, a beloved member of the Royal Resorts family passed away recently after a long illness. Originally from Akron, Ohio, Sharlyne came to Cancun in 1984 as the manager of a US-based travel company. She joined Royal Resorts in 1985 as the youngest person […]

Got a Question, check our new Members FAQ’s

We have expanded the Members FAQ’s section taking into account many of the questions frequently posted in the Member Forum. The section is divided into the following categories: Getting Around (transport-related questions), My Stay (dining-related questions, fitness centers and information on resort services), REFINE All-Inclusive Package (rates and policies) and My Membership (rentals, internal exchanges, […]

Royal Golf News

Thinking about playing golf on your next trip? As a Royal Resorts member you have discounted green fees at these prestigious courses in Cancun and the Riviera Maya: Cancun • Iberostar Cancun • Puerto Cancun • Playa Mujeres Riviera Maya • Iberostar Playa Paraíso • El Camaleón at Mayakoba • Grand Coral Golf Club Royal […]

Road works on Highway 307 in the Riviera Maya

If you are going to be driving on Highway 307 in the Riviera Maya please take extra precautions as road works are underway in several places. Work started in late March and will continue for the next two months. Road repairs are scheduled every day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the highway between […]