Gretchen Lally, member at The Royal Sands, was the latest winner of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Orientation Briefing, Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in Members News each month.

Congratulations to Gretchen Lally, the February winner

Update on Travel to the State of Quintana Roo

You may have seen media reports this week mentioning Cancun. We hope that this update answers any concerns that you might have about the area. Our advice is to continue with your vacation plans. It is safe to travel to Cancun, the Riviera Maya, the Yucatan Peninsula and many other parts of Mexico.


Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Cozumel and other destinations in the state of Quintana Roo and the Yucatan Peninsula as a whole have always been, and remain, among the safest places in the world for visitors. However, violence associated with organized crime can occur anywhere in the world and unfortunately, Cancun has seen a number of homicides in recent days linked to disputes between rival criminal groups. These incidents took place in districts of the city that are not frequented by tourists and that are miles away from the Hotel Zone on Cancun Island.


Safety of visitors is a top priority for Mexico

Mexico is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, welcoming over 41 million international visitors in 2018. The safety of visitors wherever they are in the country is a priority for the government. The authorities are extremely vigilant in all tourist destinations and major cities.


Millions of tourists visit the Mexican Caribbean each year and the authorities work closely to ensure the safety of visitors and residents. Security has been further upgraded this year with the implementation of additional monitoring measures, more security cameras, extra police for the cities of Cancun and Playa del Carmen and increased coordination between municipal, state, federal police and the military. The number of English-speaking Tourist Police on duty in Cancun Hotel Zone and Playa del Carmen to assist visitors will also be increased.

In October 2018, 3,200 military police arrived at a new base located to the north of Cancun in Isla Mujeres municipal district. They are patrolling neighborhoods on the outskirts of Cancun, Playa del Carmen and in other parts of the state in coordination with the police and carrying out surveillance and intelligence gathering.

One of the most important security initiatives presented by President Lopez Obrador is the creation of a new National Guard, a proposal that has been approved by the House of Representatives and be formed over the next few years.

Interpreting travel advisories

The US State Department travel advisory system classifies threat levels in countries around the world from 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest threat level and 4 the highest. Mexico is in the Level 2 category, which is the same as many European countries


such as Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy and the recommendation is for ‘Visitors to Exercise Caution.’

The current US State Department Mexico travel advisory places no restrictions on visiting Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta or Los Cabos, some of the world’s most popular vacation spots.

Some Mexican states that have seen an upsurge in violence associated with organized crime are classified as having a higher threat level. In some of these cases, specific regions of the state that may be off the tourist track anyway are mentioned,

for example, remote mountainous or border areas and certain highways, towns or specific neighborhoods in cities.

The key to safe travel anywhere is common sense

Major cities in the US and around the world have neighborhoods with a reputation for crime and gang violence and this is also the case in Mexico. Common sense is the key to safety wherever you travel, whether at home or abroad, and may we suggest that you take certain precautions, just as you would if you were going to a new city in your own country or elsewhere.

Always be aware of your surroundings and stay alert, stick to reputable restaurants, bars and other establishments in well-known tourist areas of the city and drink responsibly. Do not display expensive jewelry or large amounts of cash in public. Take care when visiting unfamiliar areas and avoid walking alone at night through poorly lit neighborhoods or isolated areas.

Don’t drive in isolated areas at night and always use toll roads for longer journeys

The sale, possession and consumption of illegal drugs is a federal offence in Mexico.


Security at Royal Resorts

Royal Resorts has the security and comfort of its members and guests as its top priority. Security guards patrol the resorts and the beaches 24 hours a day. There are closed circuit cameras in public areas and other key locations. Check points have also been installed at the entrances of the resorts to monitor and control vehicles entering the premises.

There is no reason for you to change your travel plans. You’ll enjoy your stay in Cancun, the Riviera Maya and the Yucatan.


Useful links


The following link is to an article in Travel Pulse, a travel industry publication and may be useful too:


Nuevo Members Lounge en The Royal Sands

Siempre estamos buscando nuevas formas de enriquecer su experiencia vacacional y basada en la recomendación hecha por el Consejo Consultivo de The Royal Sands y comentarios de los socios, les presentamos nuestro más reciente proyecto, un Members Lounge o Sala para Socios en Sidelines Bar en The Royal Sands.

A partir de 18 de febrero, el Members Lounge exclusivamente para socios de The Royal Sands abrirá de lunes a viernes, de 7 a.m. a 11 a.m. (horario sujeto a cambio). Estarán disponibles periódicos, café, té, agua, infusiones de frutas y galletas de cortesía.

Este será el segundo Members Lounge abierto en Royal Resorts; el Members Lounge de The Royal Haciendas abrió en el 2018 y se localiza en el Bar La Rotonda.


New Members Lounge at The Royal Sands

We are always looking for ways to enrich your vacation experience and based on a recommendation from The Royal Sands Advisory Council and member feedback, we would like to present our latest project, a Members Lounge in Sidelines Bar at The Royal Sands.

Starting February 18, the new Members-only lounge will be open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. (schedule may be subject to change at times). Complimentary newspapers, coffee, tea, water, fruit infusions and cookies are available.

This is the second Members Lounge to be opened at Royal Resorts; The Royal Haciendas Members Lounge opened in 2018 and is located in La Rotonda Bar.

Royal Resorts Life magazine now available online

The 2019 edition of our annual magazine Royal Resorts Life is now available online. Click on this link to read and download it.

Get the latest news from Royal Resorts, including sightseeing ideas and activities for you to enjoy on your next trip to Cancun and the Riviera Maya.

The 2018 Advisory Council Reports and the accompanying financial statements are also included so take a few minutes to read them.

Printed complimentary copies of Royal Resorts Life are also available in the villas at the resorts.

For more news during the year, keep in touch with us by checking the Royal Resorts blog at www.royalresorts.com and reading the monthly e-newsletter The Royal Reporter, becoming one of our Facebook friends and following us on Twitter or Instagram.



Calvin Eich, member at The Royal Sands, was the latest winner of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Orientation Briefing, Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in Members News each month.

Congratulations to Mr. Calvin Eich, the January winner

Changes in the Royal Resorts Corporate Management Team

We would like to share information about some changes in the organizational structure of the Royal Resorts Corporate Management team.
Effective January 1, 2019, Armando Millet Molina and Kemil Rizk will jointly hold the Presidency of the Royal Resorts Group. They will have specific areas of responsibility and some that are shared. Dr. Rizk will focus on Sales and Marketing, Reservations Center, Royal Resorts Signature Club and Special Projects, in coordination with the heads of these departments. Mr. Millet Molina will continue to head up the Corporate Office in Merida and will oversee Finance and Corporate Operations, working with the Management teams of each division.
Javier Vales Gonzalez has been promoted to the new position of Chief Operating Officer. The soon to be designated Director of Resort Businesses as well as the current Vice President of Resort Operations will report to him.
Moving forward, these changes will enable the Royal Resorts Management team to expand areas of opportunity, attend new growth areas and look for even more ways of improving service for members and guests.

More theme nights to enjoy at Cayo Largo, The Royal Islander

Here’s some Royal Resorts dining news for members. The Royal Islander will soon have new theme night buffets for you to enjoy at Cayo Largo restaurant in addition to the a la carte menu.

By the end of February, the Cayo Largo dining week will look like this:

Monday                      Pizza and Pasta Night
Smoke BBQ lunch
Tuesday                    Poolside Cookout
Wednesday                Italian Night
Thursday                   Mexican Night
Friday                         Shrimp Festival
Saturday                    Fajitas Night
Sunday                       A la carte dining

There are also changes at Tradewinds restaurant in The Royal Caribbean. A Pizza and Pasta special with soup and salad bar is currently available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Taco Night in on Tuesday and Thursday; Steak Night is on Saturday and Sunday is BBQ Night.

Information subject to change without prior notice.

Sign up for the Fourth Royal Resorts Foundation Race

There’s still time to register for the Fourth Royal Resorts Foundation Race on Sunday, February 17 in Cancun Hotel Zone. Join fellow Royal Resorts members, employees and local runners to race for a good cause: education.
With our 2019 race partner Fundacion Lomas, our goal is to raise $435,000 pesos to give 12 scholarships to low-income students so that they can go to university.

You can help. Sign up for the Fourth Royal Resorts Foundation Race today
• 5 km or 10 km race
• 3 km walk
• Children’s Fun Run (4-7 years 500 m) (8-12 years 1 km)

When & Where?
• February 17 at 7 a.m. in Cancun Hotel Zone. Starting point: Captain’s Cove Restaurant to Westin Regina and back again.
• 3, 5 or 10 kilometers
•Age categories for men and women
Free (15-39 years) Master (40-49 years) Veteran (50 and over)
• Race Fee: i$280 pesos per adult and $230 pesos per child (includes a souvenir t-shirt and finalist’s medal, race number, chip, water and an isotonic drink at the finish line)
Prizes: for the first three places in each category in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women. The first three Royal Resorts employees to cross the finish in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women will also receive prizes.
• Open to 700 runners
• Deadline for inscriptions February 13

Register for the 2019 Race today
CLICK HERE or email: contact@royalresortsfoundation.org
Invite your friends and family to take part!

More about the 2019 Race cause
Fundacion Lomas seeks to make a college education in Mexico accessible for all and address the shortfall in Quintana Roo where a 2014-15 study indicated that more than 70 percent of 18 to 23 year olds had not gone to university.
Education is essential for development and combating poverty and by helping address the educational imbalance with college grants, Fundacion Lomas and the Royal Resorts Foundation will be giving opportunities and the hope of a better future to young people.
To date, Fundacion Lomas has given 247 scholarships and its goal is to grant 35 scholarships a year to students at senior high, technical college and university level. Fifteen grants are available for college students who need to do work experience as part of their degree. Ten additional scholarships are part of the Cero Rezago Educativo (No child left behind) program to enable students to complete primary and secondary studies so that they can continue to middle and higher learning.

2018 Advisory Council reports available online

The 2018 Advisory Council reports and financial statements for The Royal Caribbean, The Royal Islander, The Royal Sands and The Royal Haciendas and the financial statement for The Royal Cancun are now available online. Click here.

The Advisory Council reports are also published in the printed and electronic editions of Royal Resorts Life, the annual magazine for Royal Resorts members, both of which will be available this month.

Grand Residences owners will find the Grand Residences Advisory Council meeting report for 2018 in the Owners Area of www.grandresidencesbyroyalresorts.com (owner log in required).