Turtle season begins in May

We are ready for the 2018 turtle nesting season at Royal Resorts. From May to September, female green, loggerhead and hawksbill turtles will come ashore at night to lay their eggs on the beaches of the Mexican Caribbean.

Sightings of the first turtles of the season have already been reported in Akumal, Xcacel and Puerto Morelos, including one that dug its nest on the beach in front of Grand Residences. Thousands more will follow them this summer.

The security teams at The Royal Sands, The Royal Caribbean, The Royal Islander, Grand Residences and The Royal Haciendas are the Royal Resorts turtle guardians. Before the season starts they attend a refresher course on nesting season rules and procedures given by local biologists and then they are ready to start their nightly turtle patrols.

When they find a nesting turtle, they watch over her as she digs her nest in the sand and lays her eggs. They then collect the eggs and move them to a nursery further up the beach where they will be protected from the waves, predators and the passage of human feet. They dig another nest identical in shape and depth to the original and bury the eggs. The species, date and time of nesting and number of eggs are recorded and the long wait begins until they hatch 45 to 60 days later.

The guards release the baby turtles after dark when predatory seabirds such as gulls and frigate birds have gone to roost.


Follow the turtle season rules

If you are going to stay at Royal Resorts or Grand Residences this summer, please join us in protecting our turtle visitors. Follow the turtle rules:


  • Alert the security staff when you see a turtle on the beach at night
  • Be very quiet and keep still, noise, lights and the movement of people disturb nesting sea turtles and cause them to leave the beach without laying eggs
  • Watch from a distance of ten (33 feet) meters
  • Do not attempt to touch the turtle or crowd her
  • Do not shine a torch or use the light on your mobile phone
  • No flash photography
  • No smoking
  • Obey security staff when they give instructions
  • Help us to keep our beaches and sea clean. Plastic straws, bags, packaging, fishing lines and nets and other garbage floating in the water are lethal to turtles and other marine life
  • When snorkeling or diving watch turtles from a distance, do not swim towards them and do not attempt to touch them
  • Wear a t-shirt when snorkeling as protection from the sun instead of applying sun block. Sun products pollute the water and are harmful to marine life
  • Turtles are protected by Mexican law and it is illegal to disturb them, persecute or hunt them and consume their meat or eggs.

The Mexican environmental agency SEMARNAT rules for turtle nesting season are designed to keep human contact with the creatures to a minimum. The rules stipulate that fragile baby turtles can only be released by trained personnel and not by hotel guests. Failure to comply with these measures can lead to resorts losing the right to have turtle nurseries on site or to be part of the turtle protection campaign.

A Cancun conservation pioneer, Royal Resorts has been watching over sea turtles since 1985. Official record keeping began in 1998 and since then we have protected 7,995 nests and released 741,042 baby turtles!

The 2017 turtle season broke records all over the Mexican Caribbean and at Royal Resorts. The tally of nests at The Royal Sands, The Royal Caribbean and The Royal Islander was 1,063 nests and 111,226 baby turtles were released. There were 228 nests and 20,000 hatchlings at Grand Residences Riviera Cancun and five nests at The Royal Haciendas.

Sea turtle nesting is cyclical and good years with lots of turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs are invariably followed by slow years. Last year was a record-breaking year. We hope that 2018 will also be a good year for the sea turtles.


Eco-friendly bags on sale at The Royal Market, Royal Resorts protecting the environment

Buy an eco-friendly cloth shopping bag from The Royal Market and help Royal Resorts in its mission of protecting the environment. Decisions like saying no to a plastic bag or straw, switching to a reusable water bottle and recycling trash can help reduce mankind’s dependence on plastic and lead to a cleaner future.

In addition to eco-friendly shopping bags at the resort stores, Royal Resorts is doing a lot more to reduce the use of plastics. Plastic straws are no longer served in drinks at the restaurants and bars and the next step is to use less plastic cutlery.

The Royal Market is also selling disposable plates, cups and cutlery that are biodegradable as an alternative to plastic and polystyrene brands.

Recycling at Royal Resorts

Royal Resorts has a trash recycling program. There are recycling trashcans throughout the resorts and special bins in the villas so that members and guests can separate their plastic, glass, aluminum and cardboard waste.

Plastic and all other waste suitable for recycling is collected and sold as “trash for cash” to raise money for the Royal Resorts Foundation’s charitable causes: conservation, children’s education, cancer screening and treatment for women on a low income, physiotherapy for children with motor and neurological disorders and employee emergency relief. In 2017, 311 tons of waste were recycled, representing US$13,600 for the Foundation.


Harold Gladwin, member at The Royal Sands, was the latest winner of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Orientation Briefing, Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in Members News each month.

Congratulations to Harold Gladwin, the April winner

It is safe to travel to the Mexican Caribbean

If you have concerns about traveling to Mexico because of recent media reports about violence associated with organized crime, our advice is to continue with your vacation plans to visit this beautiful country. It is safe to travel to Cancun, the Riviera Maya, the Yucatan Peninsula and many other parts of Mexico.


The state of Quintana Roo and the Yucatan

Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Cozumel and other destinations in the state of Quintana Roo and the Yucatan Peninsula as a whole have always been, and remain, among the safest places in the world for visitors. However, we live in a world where violent events happen in many cities. Nowhere is immune to violence associated with organized crime and sadly, Cancun has seen a number of homicides in recent days linked to drug gangs.

Security has been upgraded in the state of Quintana Roo this year and the authorities are working closely to ensure the safety of visitors and residents. Additional monitoring measures are being implemented and the number of police patrols in Cancun and Playa del Carmen has been boosted.


Mexico is one of the World’s most Popular Travel Destinations

The world’s 14th largest country, Mexico offers a world of attractions for visitors to enjoy. Its beautiful Caribbean and Pacific beaches, natural wonders and wildlife, ancient cultures, colonial cities, rich traditions, cuisine and the warm hospitality of its people have an enduring appeal.

Mexico welcomed 39.3 million international visitors in 2017 and is set to climb to No. 6 in the World’s Top 10 Travel Destinations. Millions of visitors from the US vacation in Mexico every year and enjoy their stay. More than one million US citizens also make their home here on a fulltime or part-time basis.

Leading international travel magazines such as Conde Nast Traveler, Travel & Leisure, National Geographic Traveler and newspapers such as the New York Times included Mexican beach destinations and its World Heritage colonial cities in their must-visit lists for 2018.

Designated as the 2018 World Design Capital, the nation’s capital Mexico City is also attracting more and more visitors in search of its thriving arts scene, rich history and world-class cuisine.

The safety of visitors wherever they are in the country is a priority for the Mexican government and the authorities are extremely vigilant in all tourist destinations and major cities.


Travel advisories

The US State Department travel advisory system now classifies threat levels in countries around the world from 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest threat level and 4 the highest. Mexico is in the Level 2 category, which is the same as many European countries such as France, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.

The US State Department Mexico travel advisory places no restrictions on visiting Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta or Los Cabos, some of the world’s most popular vacation spots.

Some Mexican states that have seen an upsurge in violence associated with organized crime are classified as having a higher threat level. In some of these cases, specific regions of the state that may be off the tourist track anyway are mentioned, for example, remote mountainous or border areas and certain highways, towns or city neighborhoods.


The Key to Safe Travel Anywhere is Common Sense

Major cities in the US and around the world have neighborhoods with a reputation for crime and gang violence and this is also the case in Mexico. Common sense is the key to safety wherever you travel, whether at home or abroad, and may we suggest that you take certain precautions, just as you would if you were going to a new city in your own country or elsewhere.

Always be aware of your surroundings and stay alert, stick to reputable restaurants, bars and other establishments in well-known tourist areas of the city and drink responsibly. Do not display expensive jewelry or large amounts of cash in public. Take care when visiting unfamiliar areas and avoid walking alone at night through poorly lit neighborhoods or isolated areas.

Don’t drive in isolated areas at night and use toll roads for longer journeys

The sale, possession and consumption of illegal drugs is a federal offence in Mexico.


Security at Royal Resorts

Royal Resorts has the security and comfort of its members and guests as its top priority. Security guards patrol the resorts and the beaches 24 hours a day. There are closed circuit cameras in public areas and other key locations. Electronic safes are also provided in all the suites and rooms for members and guests to store money, jewelry, passports and travel documents.

Go ahead with your Mexico vacation plans. You’ll enjoy your stay in Cancun and the Riviera Maya and discovering the wonders of the Yucatan.

For those of you who are longtime visitors to the Mexican Caribbean with strong ties to the community, there is no reason for you to change your travel plans. We look forward to seeing you soon in your resort home.


Further reading







Brian Bryington, socio de The Royal Haciendas, fue el ganador de la rifa mensual para los socios que hayan asistido a los eventos de marketing como la Reunión informativa de orientación o las fiestas Taco Party y Welcome Party. Todos los socios que asisten a los eventos sociales organizados por el departamento de Marketing durante sus vacaciones pueden participar en un sorteo mensual. El premio es una estancia de una semana para dos personas en una habitación en The Royal Haciendas. Los nombres de los ganadores afortunados se publican cada mes en esta sección de Noticias para socios.

Felicitaciones al Brian Bryington, el ganador de marzo


Brian Bryington, member at The Royal Haciendas, was the winner of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Orientation Briefing, Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in this Members News section each month.

Congratulations to Brian Bryington, the March winner

Safety Update about Playa del Carmen

On March 7, the US Embassy in Mexico City issued a travel alert mentioning that it had received information about a possible security threat in Playa del Carmen. It said that as of March 7, US Government employees are prohibited from traveling to Playa del Carmen.

The US consular agency office in Playa del Carmen was closed temporarily but reopened on March 12.

The Quintana Roo State Government issued a bulletin on March 7 declaring that tourism and economic activity continue as normal in Playa del Carmen and throughout the Mexican Caribbean. The current hotel occupancy rate is 80 percent.

The bulletin goes on to say that safety of visitors and residents is of the utmost importance and that security forces work day and night to guarantee this. It adds that it has no knowledge of the circumstances that prompted the US Embassy to issue an alert.

The Quintana Roo State Government also reiterated its commitment to work hand in hand to protect visitors from the United States and all international visitors to the state.

The State and Municipal police forces coordinate security with the Federal police force, the Mexican Army and Navy, which also patrol the area.

Quintana Roo is currently hosting the 2018 World Oceans Summit organized by The Economist. This high-level event in the Riviera Maya is being attended by government ministers, experts and conservationists from all over the world and was inaugurated by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

To read the Quintana Roo Government statement in English click here:


Ferries from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel are operating normally

Ferries between Playa del Carmen and Cozumel are operating normally and thousands of visitors and Mexican citizens visit the island every day.

Security was reinforced at the Playa del Carmen terminal after an explosion on board a Barcos del Caribe ferry that had just arrived from Cozumel on February 21. More than eighteen passengers, including several international visitors, suffered

minor injuries. A criminal investigation continues into the incident and is being handled by the Federal Justice Department.

The authorities moved quickly to suspend Barcos del Caribe in the wake of the incident and halt its ferry operations. All its vessels were inspected, including boats that had been out of service for months. The authorities are following a number of leads concerning the explosion and the company’s activities.

It is safe to travel to the Mexican Caribbean
Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Cozumel, the Riviera Maya and the Yucatan Peninsula as a whole have always been, and remain, among the safest places in the world for visitors. There is no cause for increased concern or for cancelling a trip.


Mary Jean Griepentrog, member at The Royal Haciendas, was the winner of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Orientation Briefing, Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in this Members News section each month.

Congratulations to Mary Jean Griepentrog, the February winner

Ferry Accident in Playa del Carmen

Eighteen people were injured on Wednesday afternoon, February 21 after an explosion on board a ferry at the Playa del Carmen ferry terminal.

Passengers were departing the Barcos del Caribe ferry from Cozumel when the explosion occurred. Emergency service responders and police were quickly on the scene and took control of the incident. The injured passengers, 15 Mexicans and three Canadian tourists –were taken to the Costamed clinic for treatment. The authorities subsequently announced that none of the injuries were serious. However, one person is still in hospital under observation for facial burns.

Representatives of the Quintana Roo Tourism Board and the Playa del Carmen municipal government are assisting the injured passengers and their families.

Ferry service to Cozumel quickly resumed and the terminal is operating normally.

An investigation is underway. Preliminary reports indicated that a mechanical fault in the engine room may have caused the explosion.

[Source: Novedades, El Universal]


We would like to share several reports from members about suspicious emails and phone calls that they recently received from companies or individuals regarding their Royal Resorts membership.

Several members have informed us that they have received phone calls or emails from a company called Global Events Solution offering to buy their units. The individuals representing this company, which has a San Francisco address, have identified themselves as Robert Worton and Nannette Julia List. They claim that they have been hired by Royal Resorts. We would like to stress that Royal Resorts has no knowledge of this company or of these individuals and that this is a scam.

Another case that was recently reported to us concerns emails claiming to be from a Mexican government agency called SEIDO (Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada) working with CONDUSEF to investigate timeshare companies. The letter comes with an authorization agreement for the email sender to act on your behalf and a claims form and is sent from the following address servicios@gobseido.mx. This is not an official Mexican government email address. These emails are clearly an attempt to obtain information under false pretenses and our recommendation is to take no action if you receive one.

In October 2017, we reported a similar scam involving bogus emails purportedly from the Mexican Procuraduria General de Justicia or Justice Department, which were sent from a domain called PROCURADURIAGOB.COM.

All official Mexican Government website domains and emails sent by different departments and agencies contain the words gob.mx therefore we would urge you to disregard any emails you receive from servicios@gobseido.mx or procuraduriagob.com. If the website domain or email address does not include the words gob.mx it is not genuine.

It is our policy to alert members of possible scams and we urge you to let us know if you are contacted by a person or company that seems suspicious so that we may warn others. Communication is key to protecting our members.

We have a strict privacy policy and have procedures in place to protect our members’ private information. We do not know how these individuals may have acquired phone numbers and emails, but are investigating further.

Follow these steps if you receive a suspicious email or phone call

  • Check the source of the email if the company or individual claims to be associated with Royal Resorts. All Royal Resorts communications are sent from an official royalresorts.com email address, if this is not the case, then the email is not from Royal Resorts.
  • Disregard the email or phone call if money is requested in advance for resale or other timeshare-related services.
  • Do not supply personal data or the contact details of friends if referrals are requested.
  • Do an online background check on the company to see if it is legitimate.
  • Ask Royal Resorts if you are in any doubt, we are here to help you.

Above all, do not send any money. When companies contact you via email, the Internet or phone to offer resale, exchange or rental services and ask for cash in advance it is generally a good indication that they may not be genuine and if you pay it is very possible that you will not hear from them again.

Royal Resorts Personal Data Protection Policy

Royal Resorts takes your privacy very seriously and is in full compliance with the corresponding privacy laws. The personal details of our members and guests are strictly confidential. Royal Resorts does not sell and has never sold personal information to third parties. You can feel confident that Royal Resorts will continue doing everything possible to protect your personal information.

All member communications, updates, letters and promotions are sent from an official Royal Resorts email address.

We recommend that you avoid disclosing your personal information on forums, blogs and other open media venues and participation in Internet referral schemes that ask you to send the names and details of friends. When you provide your information to others in order to rent, sell or lend your unit please ensure that your information will be protected.

If you have received a phone call or email from a company that you suspect of misrepresentation or that may be engaged in possible fraudulent activity and would like to share the information with us, please feel free to contact us.