Basketball at Royal Resorts

Royal Resorts has a new activity for you to enjoy during your vacation and one that will prove popular with teenagers and families, basketball! There is a court at The Royal Sands and a multiuse court at The Royal Haciendas and half courts at The Royal Cancun and The Royal Islander. Call in at the Sports Desk to book the court and sign out basketballs.

Another new activity to try during your stay is foot-pool; you’ll find the courts on the sundecks at The Royal Islander and The Royal Sands and on the beach at The Royal Cancun.

Meet Maclovio Tec!

Maclovio is the sole breadwinner in his family, steadfastly caring for his wife and his son with dedication and dignity. Pro Niños Excepcionales volunteers first met him 12 years ago when he brought his son on his tricycle to its physiotherapy clinic to request help for the boy. His appeal was granted and in return he helped out at the center cleaning the land and collecting fallen dry wood to sell as firewood. It soon became evident to staff at the center that he did not have a steady job and after meeting Carmen, it dawned upon them just how precarious Maclovio’s situation was.

2017 edition of Royal Resorts Life magazine available online

The latest electronic edition of Royal Resorts Life, your annual resort magazine is now available online. Click here to read the magazine and get the latest news from the resorts and trip ideas for your next trip. The 2016 Advisory Council reports and accompanying financial statements are also included.

Printed copies of the 2017 magazine will be available in the villas at the resorts in early February, so be sure to collect your complimentary copy during your next stay.



December Winner of Monthly Raffle for Members attending Marketing Events

Fidel Humberto Contreras López Lena and María del Carmen López Lena Cruz, members at The Royal Sands, were the December winners of the monthly raffle for members attending Marketing events such as the Taco Party or the Welcome Party. 

All members who go to the social events organized by the Marketing department during their vacation are eligible to participate in a monthly draw. The prize is a one-week stay for two in a room at The Royal Haciendas. The names of the lucky winners will be published in this Members News section each month.

Congratulations to Sr. & Sra. Contreras López Lena, the December winners

The Royal Sands


Important News About a New Timeshare Scam

It is our policy to alert you about suspicious emails or phone calls received by members from companies or individuals promoting timeshare sales, re-sales, rentals or soliciting information. The latest case to come to our notice is a possible rental scam involving a company called My Holiday Home reported by one of our members.

The member received a phone call from an individual soliciting her unit for a 10-week rental. He asked her to pay the maintenance fee upfront for 10 weeks and in return she would supposedly receive US$40,000 for something called “accelerated weeks.” The caller claimed to have authorization to offer this program from a person called Fernando Rodriguez in the Corporate Office at The Royal Sands.

The claim is completely false. Royal Resorts has no knowledge of My Holiday Home. It does not have an Accelerated Weeks program nor would it authorize any person or company to make such an offer. Furthermore, there is no one by the name of Fernando Rodriguez working in the Corporate Office. An investigation is underway.

Cyber crime is on the rise and there are many companies in the marketplace or operating via the Internet that are engaged in fraudulent activity. We would urge you to be very careful when responding to any offers or requests for personal information.


Follow these steps if you receive a suspicious email or phone call

  • Check the source of the email if the company or individual claims to be associated with Royal Resorts. All Royal Resorts communications are sent from an official email address, if this is not the case, then the email is not from Royal Resorts.
  • Disregard the email or phone call if money is requested in advance for resale or other timeshare-related services.
  • Do not supply personal data or the contact details of friends if referrals are requested.
  • Do an online background check on the company to see if it is legitimate.
  • Ask Royal Resorts if you are in any doubt, we are here to help you.

Above all, do not send any money. When companies contact you via email, the Internet or phone to offer resale, exchange or rental services and ask for cash in advance it is generally a good indication that they may not be genuine and if you pay it is very possible that you will not hear from them again.


Royal Resorts protects your Personal Data

Royal Resorts takes your privacy very seriously and is in full compliance with the corresponding privacy laws. The personal details of our members and guests are strictly confidential. Royal Resorts does not sell and has never sold personal information to third parties. You can feel confident that Royal Resorts will continue doing everything possible to protect your personal information.

All member communications, updates, letters and promotions are sent from an official Royal Resorts email address.

We recommend that you avoid disclosing your personal information on forums, blogs and other open media venues and participation in Internet referral schemes that ask you to send the names and details of friends. When you provide your information to others in order to rent, sell or lend your unit please ensure that your information will be protected.

If you have received a phone call or email from a company that you suspect of misrepresentation or that may be engaged in possible fraudulent activity and would like to share the information with us, please feel free to contact us.

Scam alert

2016 Advisory Council Meeting Reports now Available Online

The 2016 Advisory Council meeting reports and financial statements for The Royal Caribbean, The Royal Islander, The Royal Sands and The Royal Haciendas and the financial statement for The Royal Cancun are now available online.

Read more


Rate Customer Service during your Royal Resorts Vacation using Guudjob

On your next vacation use the Guudjob App to rate customer service at all the Royal Resorts. Did a Royal Resorts employee make your day with service that exceeded your expectations? Or is something you feel that he/she could improve on? Post your review in real time.

Download the Guudjob app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. All you do is log on and search for the Royal Resorts logo and the person’s profile and you are ready to write your review.

If you would rather post your comments via the Internet, you may do so by visiting and writing your review.

Using the reviews members and guests post on Guudjob helps Royal Resorts identify areas where there is room for improvement and provides additional information on job performance that is incorporated in regular evaluations for the internal employee recognition program. It will also motivate staff and encourage professional growth.

Guudjob was launched in 2016 as a pilot project at The Royal Islander and was extended to all the Royal Resorts on December 31, with the exception of Grand Residences.

Guudjob Customer Service Evaluation Pilot Project at The Royal Islander

Running for a Good Cause, the 2nd Royal Resorts Foundation Race

The Second Royal Resorts Foundation Race will take place on February 19, 2017 and all our Royal runners are invited to sign up, enjoy the race and help those in need.

The Royal Resorts Foundation is partnering with Pro Niños Excepcionales A.C., a Cancun NGO for children with physical, neurological and mental challenges and the race goal is to support a man who has devoted his life to caring for sick children but now needs a helping hand himself, Maclovio Tun.

At 74 years old, Maclovio is the sole breadwinner for his family; his wife Carmen is paralyzed and their son Reyes has cerebral palsy. Their house is unfit to live in; the roof leaks and whole sections are damaged beyond repair. There are no secure windows or doors and no bathroom facilities. The money raised from the race will be used to renovate and extend the house, add a bathroom, bedroom, ramps and other aids for easy access, making it a safe, healthy and comfortable space for the family.

Sign up for the Second Royal Resorts Foundation Race and help renovate Maclovio’s home. The race is over 10, 5 or 3 kilometers or you can take part in a 3-kilometer walk. Children have their own Fun Run too so the whole family can take part.

Sign up today by emailing

Invite your friends and family to take part!

Race open to 600 competitors.

The closing date for registration is February 10 or when the field of 600 competitors has been filled.

Race details

  • The race takes place on February 19 at 7 a.m. Starting point: Captain’s Cove Restaurant to Westin Regina and back again.
  • Race Fee is $250 pesos per adult and $150 pesos per child and includes a souvenir t-shirt and finalist’s medal, race number, chip, water and an isotonic drink at the finish line
  • 3, 5 or 10 kilometers
  • Age categories for men and women

Free (15-39 years)   Master (40-49 years)           Veteran (50 and over)

Prizes will be given to the first three places in each category in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women. The first three Royal Resorts employees to cross the finish in the 5 and 10 km races for men and women will also receive prizes.
Children’s Fun Run
Bring the kids! There is a race for them too!

  • Children aged 4 to 7 years
    500 meters
  • Children aged 8 to 12 years
    1 kilometer

If you are not going to be in Cancun in February you can still help Maclovio and his family by making a donation to the Royal Resorts Foundation online at or during your stay at Royal Resorts.


Sand Dollar Cevicheria Opens at The Royal Sands

The Royal Sands has another delicious dining option for you to try on your next vacation. Now open, Sand Dollar Cevicheria is a seafood bar on the terrace outside Sidelines.

The menu features an array of freshly made fish, shrimp, octopus and oyster mushroom ceviches and seafood cocktails, crisp tostadas topped with fish ceviche, octopus, tuna or shredded beef salpicon and a variety of seafood tacos. Order your tacos with the traditional soft corn tortillas or choose lettuce leaves, crispy taco shells or rice sheets for an Oriental touch. The tostadas and tacos come with chili sauce or chipotle mayo and there’s plenty of habanero chili on demand.

After lunch or dinner sit back, enjoy the view, a beer or cocktail and be sure to save space for a tropical ice cream or Key Lime pie.

Sand Dollar is open daily from 12 noon to 8 p.m.

Sand Dollar Cevicheria

Paninis & Crepes at La Rotonda

In the mood for a snack at The Royal Haciendas? Be sure to try the new La Rotonda Bar panini and crepe menu. Savory and sweet options available, every night from 5 to 10 p.m., and there’s freshly made sushi too.

La Rotonda