No more Bikes on Playa’s Fifth Avenue

If you like to use one of the bicycles at The Royal Haciendas during your vacation, please take note of the following information. Due to changes in the municipal transport laws in Playa del Carmen, Fifth Avenue is now a pedestrian thoroughfare in its entirety. Vehicles, including bicycles, are no longer permitted. The law states that cyclists are subject to fines for riding along the avenue or parking or chaining their bike to lamp posts and sidewalk curbs.
Where bike paths or ciclopistas exist in the urban area cyclists are obliged to use them.
Ask for information on routes and bike paths when you sign out your bicycle from the Sports Desk at The Royal Haciendas.

No more Bikes on Playa’s Fifth Avenue

2015 Advisory Council Meeting Reports

The 2015 Advisory Council meeting reports and financial statements are now available. Click on the links below to read the PDF files.

Before consulting the Advisory Council reports, we recommend that you read the Introduction for an overview of the topics discussed at the Advisory Council General Meeting and information on the economic factors that are taken into account when preparing the resort budgets.

The reports for The Royal Caribbean, The Royal Islander, The Royal Sands and The Royal Haciendas list the improvements completed at the resorts during 2015 and the projects approved for 2016.

The financial statement for The Royal Cancun is also included here for the benefit of members.

The Advisory Council reports are also published in the printed and electronic editions of Royal Resorts Life, the annual magazine for Royal Resorts members, both of which will be available this month.


The Royal Caribbean/ The Royal Islander

The Royal Sands/The Royal Haciendas/The Royal Cancun

2015 Advisory Council Meeting Reports